Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Adhi Karya (Persero) - PT Adhi Karya (Persero) merupakan perusahaan BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara) publik yang bergerak di bidang konstruksi. PT Adhi Karya (Persero) bermarkas di Jakarta, Indonesia. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1960 (bersamaan dengan berdirinya Wijaya Karya). Untuk meningkatkan kinerja serta mewujudkan visi misi nya, BUMN PT Adhi Karya kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja kesempatan kepada putra putri Indonesia untuk bergabung menjadi bagian dari BUMN PT Adhi Karya melalui Rekrutmen Loker Terbaru BUMN PT Adhi Karya sebagai berikut :
Untuk mencapai visi perusahaan yaitu menjadi kelompok bisnis terkemuka di Indonesia yang memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada stakeholder-nya, BUMN PT Adhi Karya sedang mencari pemuda - pemudi terbaik yang sangat kompeten dan termotivasi diri untuk mengisi posisi lowongan kerja terbaru 2015.
Untuk mencapai visi perusahaan yaitu menjadi kelompok bisnis terkemuka di Indonesia yang memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada stakeholder-nya, BUMN PT Adhi Karya sedang mencari pemuda - pemudi terbaik yang sangat kompeten dan termotivasi diri untuk mengisi posisi lowongan kerja terbaru 2015.
Dalam rangka memperluas jaringan bisnis terbaru bulan Mei 2015 dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sumber daya manusia BUMN PT Adhi Karya (Persero) di Lowongan Kerja Terbaru posisi: BANYAK LOWONGAN KERJA
Pada hari ini bulan Mei 2015 BUMN PT Adhi Karya (Persero) kembali membuka kesempatan berkarir atau membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru bulan Mei 2015 untuk lulusan terbaru dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Adhi Karya
PT ADHI KARYA (PERSERO) Tbk. Mencari Kandidat untuk Mengisi Posisi yang Tersedia :
Posisi Loker PT Adhi Karya :
1. Rolling Stock Engineer
We are looking for the best candidate to fill our vacant position Rolling Stock Engineer, with the below qualifications :
Competency :
The Candidate must have the ability :
- Define performance criteria of rolling stock which meet to the optimum operational plan.
- Develop technical specifications document for Rolling Stock according to vehicle concept refer to international standard and regulations from Indonesia Transportation Minister
- Review of technical specifications Rolling Stock which propose by vendor related to the owner specification, standard and regulation.
- Consideration of operational requirements in design, manufacturing and commissioning stages.
- Provide check list and conduct monitoring of quality and progress of Rolling Stock during manufacturing stage.
- Perform Interfacing between Rolling Stock, Power, Rail Signaling and Track during design and implementation stage.
- Provide information and data regarding train speed and traveling time according to the propulsion and breaking system.
- Review manual operation, manual maintenance and maintenance schedule which proposed by vendor.
Experience :
- At least Five years experience at Design stage of Rolling Stock.
- At least Five years experience at Production stage of Rolling Stock.
Education :
- Minimum Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Rolling Stock expertise certificate
2. Signaling & Telecomunication Engineer
We are looking for the best candidate to fill our vacant position Signaling & Telecomunication Engineer. with the below qualifications :
Competency :
The Candidate must have the ability :
- Define performance criteria of Signaling & Telecommunication system which meet to the optimum operational plan.
- Develop technical specifications document for Signaling & Telecommunication system according to operation plan refer to international standard and regulations from Indonesia Transportation Minister
- Review of technical specifications of Signaling & Telecommunication system which propose by vendor related to the owner specification, standard and regulation.
- Consideration of operational requirements in design, installation and commissioning stages.
- Provide check list and conduct monitoring of quality and progress of Signaling & Telecommunication system during installation stage.
- Perform Interfacing between Rolling Stock, Power, Rail Signaling, Track and Civil Work during design and implementation stage.
- Provide information regarding train running simulation according to the signaling and interlocking system which implemented.
- Review manual operation, manual maintenance and maintenance schedule which proposed by vendor.
Experience :
- At least Five years experience at Design stage of Signaling & Telecommunication system.
- At least Five years experience at Production stage of Signaling & Telecommunication system
Education :
- Minimum S1, Electrical Engineering
- Signaling & Telecommunication system expertise certificate
3. Power Supply Engineer
We are looking for the best candidate to fill our vacant position Power Supply Engineer, with the below qualifications:
Competency :
The Candidate must have the ability :
- Define performance criteria of Power Supply system which meet to the demand of Electricity at LRT System.
- Develop technical specifications document for Power Supply System according to operation plan refer to international standard and regulations from Indonesia Transportation Minister.
- Review of technical specifications of Power Supply system which propose by vendor related to the owner specification, standard and regulation.
- Consideration of operational requirements in design, installation and commissioning stages.
- Provide check list and conduct monitoring of quality and progress of Power Supply system during installation stage.
- Perform Interfacing between Rolling Stock, Rail Signaling, Track and Civil Work during design and implementation stage.
- Provide information regarding train movement simulation according to the signaling and interlocking system which implemented.
- Review manual operation, manual maintenance and maintenance schedule which proposed by vendor.
Experience :
- At least Five years experience at Design stage of Power Supply system.
- At least Five years experience at Production stage of Power Supply system
Education :
- Minimum S1, Electrical Engineering
- Power Supply system expertise certificate
Catatan :
- Batas pendaftaran loker BUMN PT Adhi Karya tanggal : 15 Mei 2015
Bagaimana anda tertarik bekerja di BUMN PT Adhi Karya ....??
Jika anda tertarik dengan loker terbaru hari ini bulan Mei 2015 ini yaitu yang memberikan informasi kepada anda tentang : Lowongan Kerja Terbaru BUMN PT Adhi Karya, Silahkan Kirim SURAT LAMARAN KERJA via EMAIL dilengkapi berkas sebagai berikut :
- Correct filled application form, Download Form DISINI
- Curriculum Vitae with photo
- Copy of degree certificates, and transcripts (legalized)
- Copy / scanned ID
- Copy of expertise certications (if any)
sent via EMAIL to : ARSE@adhi.co.id
*) Jangan Lupa kasih kode "ARSE" pada Subjek Emailnya.
Applicant should correctly fill in all the field in the application form, please make sure with correct position applied
Sumber Lowongan kerja :
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